the gregarious homebody

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Break 2012

On what is my last Spring Break as a student, 
here's what I did:

Of course the washer had "an issue" when there was a TON of laundry to do.

Went to meetings
What does this food have to do with going to meetings?  A lot.  Lehigh knows how to do meetings.

Applied for jobs and networked
This photo does not convey the mental exhaustion associated with both these activities.

Drank gallons of tea and took pictures of it

It's mah faaavorite.


 Matcha Biscotti

"The best thing you've made in a long time"   --HH

You need to make this now.  Really.  Go.  I'll wait.

Unbelievably good.  Guiness and chocolate go together like...pie and a fat ass.

And shredded.

See the pictures above for why I am NOT on my way to losing up to 20 pounds in 30 days!

The break, it was good.


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