the gregarious homebody

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Very Quick True Story

One weekend a loooong time ago, before cell phones and facebook and blogs,  HH and I were house-sitting for his sister in NYC.  After an evening out we went to bed.  HH went to sleep and I stayed up watching a naked talk show or something on channel J.  Remember Channel J??  This was before we had 10000 channels, people.  Channel J was exotic.

Anyway, I'm watching, slightly embarrassed about HH waking up and catching me when suddenly he sits straight up in bed, looks at me with a huge smile on his face and exclaims

"I feel like a pair of 
freshly-painted airplane wings!"

The man was still asleep.  I know because I asked him if he was and he said "Uh-huh!" with the same glee in his voice.  

After I told him to go back to sleep he did.  Simple as that.  I sat there wishing we weren't alone and wishing it wasn't 3 am so I could call someone to tell them.

HH woke up the next morning with no memory of having said anything but feeling strangely refreshed.

Dreams are weird.

Monday, May 9, 2011


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