the gregarious homebody

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I Obviously Have a Problem with Commitment

I really had the best of intentions in starting this 365 project.  Really.  And then, in the middle of life being awesome, {life got sucky again}.  And, feeling sorry for myself, I didn't take pictures.  Or clean.  Or do anything much at all. And then I shook myself off and kicked myself in the ass.

So, not having much to say really (right now at this moment), here are some pictures that I did take.

poppies are cool.  and somewhat like {alien pods}.

really blackened chicken.  good thing HH likes carcinogens with his protein.

less freaky poppy form.  so beautiful and heart-breakingly short-lived

I know, I know.  those ****ing eggs again.  but they're so beautiful.

brownie batter.  enough said.

when a recipe says "to stiff peaks," this is what is meant.   
you're welcome.

cuban black bean ingredients with {dukka}.  damn good.

graduating 8th grader being humiliated by his mom.

{garlic scapes} which I used to make an utterly vile pesto.  
note to self: always cook garlic scapes.

my favorite dutch american.  also known unfairly as "poor Pat"

steve did not love {these} I didn't care (more for me!)

Ruth was right.  
a neat edge makes even the weediest garden look neater.

roses from my garden (thanks, Ray!) and lavender too

"what? I wasn't supposed to eat that tampon?"

I love the concept of {volunteer plants}.
imagine this lovely saying "oh! Oh!  I'll grow there!"
and then being expected to keep coming back.

yeah, I know these were already pictured but I froze the base
(sans tequila) for another day and defrosted just until slushy.
this is two servings (hahahahahahahahaha)


mamacita said...

Sorry about the suck. Another layoff? Just know that you're entitled to however many "servings" you want.

Have you read the new (to me) Jen Lancaster book?

jen said...

YES. Another lay-off. The silver lining is that the job sucked too so there is that.

Is her latest as good as her others?

Judy said...

Thanks for those two nice tributes to my family! And it's hilarious that it was perilla lining your tailored edge.

Janie said...

Anything with sunflowers attracts my eye! Great blog, I am enjoying your style of writing.


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