the gregarious homebody

Friday, June 13, 2008

Wish Me Luck (or at least clean underwear)

Tomorrow's the day! My first 5K. I am hope hope hoping I get a burst of energy and actually run the whole thing. Stacy says I'll see all the other fat asses running and that'll spur me on. A girl can hope....


The Handsome Husband said...

You did great!!! I'm so proud that you did your first 5K!

I love you!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yo Jen! Running? You're RUNNING? Are you nuts? Running is very VERY bad for you. I can't believe this...

Don't you know the damage you could do to your... umm, your, well, legs and feet and shoes and spine and back and glutes and abs and pecs and Peeps and M&M's and Kit-Kats and Lord knows what other body parts might be impacted.

I'm really disappointed in this latest foray into physical fitness. Please say it isn't so...

-- David


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